Fri, February 07, 2025

Federal Bureau of Investigations and Crypto Scams

Crypto industry and law enforcement

Cryptocurrencies step-by-step became part of the modern world. However, as in the case of fiat currencies, cryptocurrencies also have its advantages and disadvantages. Unfortunately, there are certain problems connected with crypto scams and people should be aware of such cases.

According to a press release of the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), the law enforcement agency expects a rise in the number of crypto scams related to coronavirus. Moreover, as more and more people adopt crypto, there is a risk that it would become easier to create crypto schemes. 

It is worth mentioning that people should take into consideration that there are thousands of kiosks located around the world. Various criminal groups are using such kiosks for their schemes. Furthermore, according to the press release, many traditional financial crimes and money laundering schemes are organized via cryptocurrencies. 

Crypto-related crimes and AmericansCrypto related fraud schemes

This press release contained several interesting details about the crypto-related crimes. For instance, criminals are using work from home scams as well as fake COVID-19 treatments and preventive measures.

Moreover, the Federal Bureau of Investigations identified a scam connected with coronavirus. A person sends an email or letter, the author of this email threatens to infect the victim or their family member. This is just one example, but it shows that individuals or criminal groups are ready to use any method to steal money from people.

Hopefully, there is no need to panic as it is possible to identify crypto scams. For example, a person should verify that such charities are legitimate and accept crypto for donations. Moreover, even if the organization really exists, people should pay attention to one interesting detail. For instance, when an organization asks for donations in crypto and insists on using this method. In such cases, people should try to avoid such organizations. 

Cryptocurrencies have the potential to support the local economy despite problems. 


Число заявок на пособие по безработице в США сократилось на 2 000, что свидетельствует о стабильности рынка труда в условиях высоких ставок, а дальнейшие действия ФРС будут иметь решающее значение для экономической стабильности.

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